Best Crowdfunding Sites for Startups

Jul 03,2024

In today's dynamic entrepreneurial landscape, startups often turn to crowdfunding as a viable means to secure funding and support for their ventures. Crowdfunding sites have revolutionized the traditional methods by providing a platform for entrepreneurs to showcase their ideas and garner financial backing from a diverse pool of investors, supporters, and donors.

Crowdfunding Sites


When looking for funding for startups in Saudi Arabia, crowdfunding sites are an interesting option. These platforms offer an opportunity for those who want to invest in promising enterprises and companies in the Kingdom, thereby fostering economic development and supporting the entrepreneurial spirit of the country. One of the best crowdfunding sites for startups in Saudi Arabia.


Themar platform

Themar crowdfunding platform connects funding entrepreneurs and investors. It's a Saudi platform for investment and financing of small and micro-enterprises, compliant with Islamic Sharia law and licensed by the central bank. Its vision revolves around supporting enterprises by connecting them with investors to finance their purchases digitally through the platform in efficient and secure ways.


Raqamyah platform​​​​​​​

It is a Sharia-compliant crowdfunding platform licensed by the Saudi Central Bank and subject to its supervision and oversight. As a specialized financial technology company, it utilizes modern technology to connect small and medium-sized enterprises.


Manafa platform​​​​​​​

The idea of Manafa was launched with the state’s announcement of the Financial Sector Development Program as one of the vision programs with the aim of bridging the financing gap for small and medium-sized companies, and participating in raising their share to 20% of total bank financing.


Sulfah platform​​​​​​​

The Sulfah platform offers financing differently, as it relies on financial technologies to raise the level of banking transactions and financing to provide customers with a unique experience easily and simply.


Crowdfunding has emerged as a game-changer for startups seeking capital in a dynamic and competitive market. Among the top platforms, Themar stands out for its vision revolves around supporting enterprises by connecting them with investors to finance their purchases digitally through the platform in efficient and secure ways.


In conclusion, Saudi startups find crowdfunding particularly valuable, given its focus on equity crowdfunding within the region. These platforms not only offer access to capital but also provide exposure, validation, and community support crucial for startup success.


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